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Diabolique and Desirous Frequencies: Extended Stay

Writer's picture: Dante RemyDante Remy

Dante Remy

Diabolical and desirous frequencies: A promise of surprises and revelations. Let’s start by listening carefully. Here, you can listen to a clean 33hz sound wave.

This is a low Hertz frequency. We are going to explore what sounds do to us, what frequencies do to us, and specifically the 33 Hertz frequency, its history, some tradition and some science associated with it. This frequency is used in a very diabolical story, a reading, so to speak, entitled Extended Stay that explores what these frequencies can do to us over time. So, as a way of introducing you to this topic, I present a short segment of Extended Stay.

Extended Stay (Excerpt) by Beegeewanders
Despite the beautiful sights and bustling nightlife, you came home earlier and earlier each evening. You laid on the welcoming bed to listen to the tone, to sense it, just as I knew you would. It has a steady thrum to it that seems to match the rhythm of your body. The longer you listen, the more your thoughts fade and the less anything else seems to matter.
“Listen to me and let go of your thoughts”, it seems to say. “Listen to me and you’ll be safe.” So you do you listen, you let go of your thoughts and you feel safe. So safe that surrendering your body and mind to sleep is even easier than before. So easy because you have done it night after night, subconsciously wishing to give in deeper each time it reverberates through your body and muddles your mind.
It leaves your body heavy and your eyelids droopy. You continue breathing deeply, controlled, sinking deeper into relaxation, letting your muscles loosen and your mind idle, while you listen to the hum of the room and follow my voice.
You need to sleep. When you hear that tone, when you let your eyes slip closed while listening to it, you feel so tranquil.
You need to sleep. You’re just so tired. Allow my voice to enter your room. If anything, my presence eventually makes you feel even more safe.
My voice slips in where your thoughts once were while you listen to the sleepy sound. The sound of my words rolling off my tongue. The sound of my magical tone ringing in your ears. The sound of my sweet whispers tickling and encompassing your mind.

Extended Stay, by Beegeewanders, is an audio performing artist and writer. Her scripts and audios can be found throughout social media following this link to her carrd.

Now, there are so many topics to cover here. We could discuss binaural beats, the process of playing a different Hertz or frequency in each ear, resulting in a mysterious third frequency that is heard and processed by the brain. Or, how about subliminal noises, phrases, and images? A very dubious topic fraught with misunderstanding and very weak research. No, we are not going to focus on those here. We will focus only on frequencies,

Let us start with the range of frequencies and those frequencies that have effects on us, for example, 20 Hertz. I cannot play an example of 20 Hertz, because sound at 20 Hertz or lower is imperceivable. Yes, it is heard, it is just not recognized, it’s just not noticed.

However, there is a broader frequency range that has implications on our well being, on our moods, on the way we perceive the world around us. In the lower frequencies, there is the gamma range, 30 to 100 Hertz. These frequencies are associated with increased cognitive enhancement, helping attention to detail and memory, recall and potentially creativity. If you search for 30 to 100 Hertz or frequencies, you’ll find many examples of these.

Going a little lower, beta, 14 to 30 Hertz, is just above the 20 Hertz range, just above the perceivable. These brain waves at these frequencies are associated with attention and focus, problem solving, stimulating energy and action and a high level of cognition.

There are waves and frequencies that go into the 900s. However, here, we are focusing on the lowest waves and, in the case of our narrative and the associated podcast, the frequency of 33 Hertz. This frequency is found in the popular press and also in research on healing. In terms of popular press, there is a widely known story about a car dealership in the 70s that was promoting a new audio system for cars with very deep, low, throbbing bass sound. Through trial and error and through customer service, they found that the frequency, the waves, the vibrations of the 33 Hertz bass drive brought considerable pleasure to many of the listeners in their demonstration cars. More recently, a British performance artist has used 33 Hertz to create what he calls the orgasmatron. It is a sitting device where subjects in the art performance sit and experience 33 Hertz in waves and vibrations and throbs, again, bringing the participants to heights of pleasure.

There has, in fact, been scientific studies about the effects of frequency vibration on the body. According to studies sponsored by the National Institute of Health, vibrations of frequencies from 25 Hertz and above do increase greater blood flow and an increase in the cortisol level of the subjects, linking some science and some physical change to what we know from art and from selling stereo systems. But these examples focus on vibrations of that frequency. In the case of the diabolical and desirous, we are focusing on the aural effect—the effect of listening, of hearing, on the brain, on the body, and our mind.

Thirty-three Hertz sits right at the cusp between beta and gamma waves. Beta, as we described, reflects being alert and focused, whereas gamma, on the higher end towards 35 Hz, increases brain waves and the processing of information, particularly in context of many sounds, many thoughts, many ideas, focusing concentration and problem solving problem.

Let’s listen to a pure 33 Hz frequency, once more.

On a more ethereal plane, 33 Hz is considered one of the primary vibrations of the Earth. It had been linked to religion, to spiritual chant, and to increased states of meditation, relaxation and transcendental experiences.

This brings us back to our narrative, Extended Stay, in which the subject has checked in and may never leave. A frequency, a pulse, a sound plays over and over, relaxing the visitor, making them feel warm and happy, creating an indifference to everything that’s happening around them. They want to return to it. They want to experience it over and over. It is desirous, yet diabolical. Will they ever be able to resist and to leave this state of relaxation? This deep and spiritual comfort? These are questions we bring to this story. If you read it, perhaps you will find a sense of calm and relaxation too.

As you close out your day, when you lay your head on your pillow to sleep, listen to the sounds around you. Listen and relax. Be open to the creak of your room. The hum of the air. The stirring of the wind and the night creatures. Open yourself to the sounds, the vibrations, and the gentle noise that lull you to sleep. In way, your sleep is your stay. It is your extended stay. 

©️ 2023 Dante Remy



Dante Remy | Writer | Traveler | Creator

Dante Remy Author

My creative work explores the aesthetic in the everyday and the search for humanity through word, visualization, and soundscape. Running themes explore: the duality of nature and science, love and loss, beauty and the macabre, the chaste and the erotic. My artistic expressions help me to process my life experiences, often in inhospitable circumstances, and connect with others. Connect with me on social media, messsaging, and email.

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